
Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Are you meant to be together? Check Out these 6 signs

Couple in love

How do you know what you are really experiencing the real thing called love and you've finally met your soulmate?
After these years you are still crazy about your partner and even if you haven't tied the knot yet, you just can't wait for the day it happens but sometimes you are very doubtful if it is really meant to be.
Maybe because you can't believe someone could be happy as you are and 'happily ever after' is meant for romantic books and movies.
How do you know what you are really experiencing the real thing called love and you have finally met your soulmate?
Compiled by YourTango here are 10 signs your relationship is meant to be
  1. You tell him things you don't tell anyone else: We don't mean blurting something out after you've had too much merlot, but the desire to tell him intimate details about your life means you trust him—a major component of successful long-term love.

  1. You can imagine a future together: You don't have to practice writing your first name with his last name, but do you periodically let your mind wander to picture a life together? Is it amazing?
  2. You're not afraid to disagree with him: You know that even if you fight, he'll listen to you and won't brush you off. He takes you seriously, even when he thinks you're wrong.
  3. You want to work out your major differences: If you do have crucial differences that will impact your future together—different opinions about religion, money or something else—you want to work them out with him, and you believe you can come to a conclusion that will satisfy both of you.
  4. You laugh together: Laughter is one of life's simplest pleasures—you should definitely be able to crack each other up.
  5. You're incredibly, utterly, surprisingly attracted to him: Physical chemistry is an undeniably important ingredient in a healthy relationship. And if he's not perfectly fit or your usual "type"? Even more reason to think he's the one.
  6. It's OK to be quiet around him: You don't feel like you have to fill the space between you with chatter or other interaction. Instead, you feel an easy comfort

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