
Thursday, July 27, 2017


CANADA: Viongozi wawili wa dini wamepatikana na hatia ya kuoa wake zaidi ya mmoja.

- Wote walipatikana na hatia ya shtaka moja la kuwaoa wanawake wengi na kila mmoja anakabiliawa na kifungo cha miaka mitano jela


Semi-nude woman laying on bed : Stock Photo

Wednesday, July 26, 2017


Image result for iq jokes


Image result for iq jokes


Kilichotokea baada ya mzungu na mbongo kukaa siti moja , bongo wasanii wengi ðŸ˜‚👇
Mzungu akamdharau sana Mbongo nakujiona anajua kila kitu duniani!,
Akamwambia Mbongo waulizane maswali na Mbongo akishindwa anatoa sh.500 na endapo yeye atashindwa atatoa 100,000/=.
Mzungu akauliza ni nchi ipi ilishindwa kwenye vita kuu ya kwanza ya Dunia?
Mbongo akatoa 500 kuashiria hajui.
Na yeye akamuuliza Mzungu ni kitu gani kikienda juu kina miguu minne na kikirudi chini kina miguu mitatu?
Mzungu akafikiria akakosa jibu akatoa 100,000/= kuashiria hajui ila akataka kujua, akauliza ni nini hicho?
Mbongo akatoa 500 kuashiria hata yeye hajui!.
SHARE na marafiki kama umemkubali Mbongo kwa ujanja. Lakini unafikiri Mbongo huyu kwa akili hizi atakuwa ametokea mkoa gani!?


Kid getting a haircut
A cut above: This joke about a boy and a barber tops the list 
A young boy enters a barber shop and the barber whispers to his customer. “This is the dumbest kid in the world. Watch while I prove it you.” The barber puts a dollar bill in one hand and two quarters in the other, then calls the boy over and asks, “Which do you want, son?” The boy takes the quarters and leaves. “What did I tell you?” said the barber. “That kid never learns!” Later, when the customer leaves, he sees the same young boy coming out of the ice cream store. “Hey, son! May I ask you a question? Why did you take the quarters instead of the dollar bill?” The boy licked his cone and replied, “Because the day I take the dollar, the game is over!”

Familia ya Zari yataja chanzo cha kifo cha Mama yao na pesa Zari aliyotoa kumtibu

Mama Mzazi wa Zari ambae ni Mama watoto wa mwimbaji wa Bongofleva Diamond Platnumz amezikwa jana nyumbani kwao Uganda.
Familia yake ilipata nafasi ya kuzungumzia historia yake kwa ufupi na chanzo cha kifo chake na kusema alifariki kutokana na ugonjwa wa kisukari na uvimbe na kwamba milioni 55 za Uganda ( zaidi ya milioni 34 za Tanzania) ndio zilitumika kumtibu Hospitali ambapo kati ya hizo Zari mwenyewe alichangia milioni 12 za Uganda (zaidi ya milioni 7 za Tanzania).
Halima Hassan alifariki July 20 2017 baada ya kulazwa kwenye Hospitali mbili Uganda ambapo msibani hapo Familia yao imemshukuru sana Shangazi yao ambae alipigana sana kuhakikisha Mama anatibiwa.
Mmoja wa watoto kwenye familia alieleza msibani kwamba Mama yao alipokua akitibiwa South Africa aliwaambia hatopenda kurudi Uganda akiwa kwenye jeneza, ni kama alijua siku zake zimeisha ndio maana alitaka kurudi nyumbani akiwa hai

Usishangae ukimuona Zlatan Man United, sababu ya Lukaku kusajiliwa kwa dau kubwa

Kocha wa Man United Jose Mourinho ameripotiwa na mtandao wa dailymail kuonesha dalili za wazi kuwa Zlatan Ibrahimovic anaweza kurudi Man United na kusaini mkataba mpya, Man United hawakumuongezea mkataba mpya Zlatan wenye thamani ya pound 367,640 kwa wiki baada ya kuumia.
Zlatan baada ya kuumia mwezi April atakuwa nje ya uwanja hadi 2018 lakini Mourinhoameonesha viashiria vya kuwa kuna uwezekano wa Zlatan kurudi Man United wakati akizungumzia ishu ya kumsajili Romelu Lukaku kwa dau la pound milioni 75 dau ambalo ni kubwa.
“Tumetumia pesa nyingi kwa ajili ya mshambuliaji kwa sababu ya aina ya mshambuliaji tuliyekuwa tunamtaka na tumetumia kwa sababu ya kilichotokea kwa Zlatan hatuwezi kuruhusu kukaa miezi sita ya msimu bila kuwa na mshambuliaji mahiri” >>> Mourinho
Kauli ya Jose Mourinho inaashiria kuwa Zlatan ambaye kwa sasa anatumia bado miundombinu ya Man United kuponesha jeraha lake la goti anaweza kurudi Man Unitedbaada ya kupona 2018 licha ya kuwa namba yake ya jezi namba 9 amepewa Lukaku.
VIDEO: Gor Mahia vs Everton: Full Time 1-2 (ALL GOALS JULY 13, 2017)

Mapenzi Am Very Beautiful but Cant Keep a Man for Long

Am Very Beautiful but Cant Keep a Man for Long

Hi Guys My Name is Cynthia. Iam a young beautiful woman and alot of men keep chasing me. But i have noticed a very worrying thing, i cant keep a man for more than 4 months. Every man who hooks up with me drops me after some time. Iam financially stable so i cant say iam a burden to them. Whenever i try to ask them what is the problem, none has told me the truth. They simply say, You are a very beautiful and sexy lady but you are not my Type. Iam now losing my self esteem. Is this Beauty of mine a curse?

yours Cynthia

Mapenzi Nigeria Yaongoza Afrika Orodha ya nchi 10 duniani Ambazo Wanaume Huridhisha wake zao kitandan

Nigeria Yaongoza Afrika Orodha ya nchi 10 duniani Ambazo Wanaume Huridhisha wake zao kitandani

Kutokana na mabadiliko ya hali ya hewa na misukosuko ya maisha, ukosefu wa chakula, magonjwa na kipato inaelezwa kuwa ndiyo sababu ya bara la Afrika kuwa la mwisho kwenye orodha ya nchi zenye wanaume ambao wanawaridhisha wake zao kwenye ndoa wakiwa faragha.

Kwa utafiti uliofanywa na mtaalamu wa masuala ya ya mahusiano an aliyebobea kwenye masuala ya ndoa, Bi Victoria Milan kupitia mtandao wake wa unaojihusisha na masuluhisho, ushauri na takwimu mbalimbali za mahusiano mtafiti huyo amesema nchi za Ulaya, ndiyo zinaongoza kwa wanaume kuwaridhisha wake zao kwenye ndoa ukilinganisha na mabara mengine kama Amerika, Asia na Afrika.

Bi Milan amesema kwenye utafiti huo alitumika idadi ya watu 9,165 walio kwenye ndoa kutoka nchi 80 za mabara ya Afrika, Ulaya, Asia na Amerika ya Kusini/Kaskazini ambapo kila nchi alihoji ndoa 80 hadi 82 kutokana na idadi ya watu wa nchi husika.

Kwenye takwimu hizo alipata wastani wa muda wa wapenzi wanaotumia wakiwa faragha kwa kila mzunguuko mmoja ambapo wastani wa nchi za Ulaya ulikuwa ni dakika 32.1 kwa kila mzunguumko mmoja wa tendo la ndoa ambapo nchi zilizoongoza ni Denmark, Finland na Sweden.

Bara lingine ambalo limefuatia ni Amerika ya Kaskazini/Kusini ambapo wastani wao ni dakika 23.4 wakiongozwa na nchi za Marekani na Canada.

Bara la tatu ni Asia na la mwisho kwenye utafiti huo ni Afrika ambapo wapenzi walio kwenye ndoa hutumia wastani wa dakika 5 kwa mzunguuko mmoja na nchi zinazoongoza kwa kukaa muda mrefu kwa mzunguuko mmoja ni Nigeria na Afrika Kusini.

Orodha ya nchi hizo ni kama ifuatavyo NB: Huu ni muda ambao wanaume hutumia kwa kila mzunguuko mmoja bila ya maandalizi.

1- Denmark Dk 43

2-Marekani Dk 41

3- Finland Dk 39

4- Canada Dk 36

5- Norway Dk 34

6- Uingereza Dk 33

7- Ujerumani dk 31

8- Czech Republi Dk 29

9- Ireland Dk 27

10- Austria Dk 27

Kwenye orodha hiyo ya 10 bora duniani hakuna hata nchi moja kutoka Afrika ingawaje nchi ya Nigeria imeingia kwenye 20 bora kwa kushika nafasi ya 19 ikiwa nawastani wa dakika 20 ikifuatiwa na Afrika Kusini nafasi ya 20 ikiwa na Wastani wa dakika 18 pekee.

Sababu kubwa zilizotajwa kwa wanaume wengi kwenye ndoa kutumia muda mfupi kwenye tendo hilo ni uvivu, Mazoea, majukumu ya kila siku, msongo wa mawazo na aina ya vyakula .

“Wakati nafaya utafiti wanandoa wengi hususani wanawake walisema kabla ya ndoa wenza wao walikuwa wakitumia muda mwingi kuwaandaa na hata kwenye tendo lenyewe lakini baada ya kuishi nao walianza kupoteza uwezo wao kitandao”,amesema Bi Milan kwenye mdahalo wa kipindi cha Loose Women kinachorushwa na kituo cha itv cha Uingereza .

Hata hivyo kwenye utafiti huo amebaini kuwa Wanawake ambao wanaridhishwa na wenza wao bado wanaonekana ni vijana wenye afya na nyuso zenye furaha ukilinganisha na wale ambao hawaridhishwi kwenye tendo la ndo

CCM Siasa CCM si wa Mchezo yaibomoa CHADEMA Jimbo la Hai Mkoani Kilimanjaro

CCM si wa Mchezo yaibomoa CHADEMA Jimbo la Hai Mkoani Kilimanjaro

Pole pole akiwa Mkoani Kilimanjaro anasema yafuatayo.

Kuna viongozi kadhaa kutoka Upinzani wameikubali kazi na kasi ya Rais Magufuli. Lazima tuwapokee kwa heshima kubwa.

Watu hawa wametumia Uhuru na haki yao ya Kidemokrasia na kuamua kuondoka katika vyama vyao na kujiunga na CCM. Ni watu wazito.

Wafuatao ni Madiwani wamejiondoa CHADEMA na kumuunga mkono Rais Magufuli(Wamehamia CCM).

1- Diwani wa Kata ya Machame Magharibi. Ndugu, Goodluck Kimaro ambaye ni Makamu Mwenyekiti wa Wilaya ya Hai(CHADEMA). Hivyo nimeamua kumuunga mkono Rais Magufuli.

2- Diwani wa Kata ya Weruweru,

3- Diwani wa Kata ya Mnadani Wilaya ya Hai, Ndugu Everist Peter Kimati amesema kuwa japokuwa walipata ushindi mkubwa 2015 lakini ndani ya chama kulitokea mpasuko uliosababishwa na uhujuma ndani ya uchaguzi wa ndani ya chama.

Katibu wa Itikadi na Uendezi wa CCM, Ndugu Humphrey Polepole amesisitiza kuwa kuna lundo la viongozi wa Uponzani wanaotaka kujiunga na CCM

Are you meant to be together? Check Out these 6 signs

Couple in love

How do you know what you are really experiencing the real thing called love and you've finally met your soulmate?
After these years you are still crazy about your partner and even if you haven't tied the knot yet, you just can't wait for the day it happens but sometimes you are very doubtful if it is really meant to be.
Maybe because you can't believe someone could be happy as you are and 'happily ever after' is meant for romantic books and movies.
How do you know what you are really experiencing the real thing called love and you have finally met your soulmate?
Compiled by YourTango here are 10 signs your relationship is meant to be
  1. You tell him things you don't tell anyone else: We don't mean blurting something out after you've had too much merlot, but the desire to tell him intimate details about your life means you trust him—a major component of successful long-term love.

  1. You can imagine a future together: You don't have to practice writing your first name with his last name, but do you periodically let your mind wander to picture a life together? Is it amazing?
  2. You're not afraid to disagree with him: You know that even if you fight, he'll listen to you and won't brush you off. He takes you seriously, even when he thinks you're wrong.
  3. You want to work out your major differences: If you do have crucial differences that will impact your future together—different opinions about religion, money or something else—you want to work them out with him, and you believe you can come to a conclusion that will satisfy both of you.
  4. You laugh together: Laughter is one of life's simplest pleasures—you should definitely be able to crack each other up.
  5. You're incredibly, utterly, surprisingly attracted to him: Physical chemistry is an undeniably important ingredient in a healthy relationship. And if he's not perfectly fit or your usual "type"? Even more reason to think he's the one.
  6. It's OK to be quiet around him: You don't feel like you have to fill the space between you with chatter or other interaction. Instead, you feel an easy comfort

very wonderful enough

Download Video: WTF!!! You Won’t Believe What This Naija Girl is Doing….[ADULTS ONLY]

Wow!! You gonna Enjoy this Interesting Video ... Happy Watching!! 
So what young girls do nowadays is post bad pics as a sample to their new business..The Most Shocking thing is that she posted the video of herself too.

8 Reasons You Need To Have $ex With Your Woman Immediately She Wakes Up In The Morning

Heard “Not tonight, honey” a few too many times lately? If it’s just not happening between the sheets for you and your lady, it might be time to learn what really gets her psyched for s ex. While guys are generally up for s ex whenever, wherever (regardless of the situation), women tend to need a bit more inspiration, according to Cindy M. Meston, Ph.D. and David M. Buss, Ph.D., psychology professors at the University of Texas at Austin and coauthors of Why Women Have s ex: Understanding s exual Motivations from Adventure to Revenge (and Everything in Between). For a better understanding of how to get her in the mood, consider the following eight factors that Meston and Buss say affects a woman’s lib ido:
1. Her man’s appearance Men are usually considered to be the most turned on by visual stimuli (think about it: how many strip clubs and adult magazines are actually targeted toward females?), but women are actually quite turned on by a man’s face, bo dy and movement as well, say Meston and Buss. “s exually, women are attracted to men with masculine features, although not too masculine,” Meston explains. “A little light stubble is usually a turn-on for women if it’s clean and well-kept. bo dy-wise, women generally find men with a V-shaped tor so or a high shoulder-to-hip ratio s exually attractive. Motion is important, too, as women find athletic prowess and agility to be s exual turn-ons.” The bottom line: If you’d like to get her in the sack, a good first step to take might be getting yourself into the gym.
2. The time of day Meston says that women are very individualized in terms of when they most prefer to get it on: “In general, women want to have s ex when they feel their best — when they have energy, feel connected to their partners, aren’t distracted by work or stressful daily events, and when they feel s exy — and that may or may not be at night.” In order to figure out when a woman’s most likely to be in the mood, pay attention to the times she seems the most energized and/or chilled out. Try thinking outside the box — you may find that she’d love a post-jog quickie right before her shower!
3. Certain smells Meston and Buss explain that, for women, sense of smell is far more important than it is to men when it comes to s exual attraction. Simply put: if a woman doesn’t like the way a man smells, it’s often a deal-breaker — whether she consciously realizes it or not. The number one turn-off reported by most women is — not surprisingly — bad breath, says Buss. A woman’s sense of smell also plays an interesting biological role in what attracts her to a man, according to Meston: “Olfactory signals provide a woman with a wealth of information about a man’s health, hygiene, and even his ge netic makeup,” she notes. Pheromones — tiny airborne molecules that humans emit from various glands in their bo dy — can influence a woman’s desire to be s exually intimate with a man. Male pheromones have been shown to provide information on a man’s symmetry, which is an indicator of g enetic fitness and ultimately can determine whether a man is gene tically compatible with a woman. “For many women — whether they realize it or not — scent can play an important role in determining her willingness to have s ex with a man, given her ‘sense’ of whether they can produce ge netically healthy, strong children together,” says Buss.4. Her guy’s choice of words Often, what a man says is more important than what he does when he’s trying to get a woman in the mood. “Offering compliments is usually a sure-fire way of making someone want to get closer… although, if the compliments come across as insincere, they will actually turn her off,” says Meston. To score extra sincerity points, make references to future activities you’d like to do together, explains Meston, noting that showing signs of commitment can often be s exually alluring to women. Buss also notes that a man with a sense of humor is also a s exual turn-on for the ladies: “If a man can make a woman laugh, it relaxes her and makes her feel that he ‘gets’ her,” he says, adding that a good sense of humor also conveys some key qualities women want in a mate: intelligence (it’s hard to be witty if you’re not too bright), the ability to gauge her emotional and social perspective (a.k.a. having the mind-reading skills to know what she will find amusing), and social verve or confidence.
5. Ge netics Women prefer men whose MHC genes (or Major HistoCompatibility genes) are dissimilar to their own, because this is the set of ge nes involved in determining an individual’s immune function. “Having children with men who are dissimilar produces children with healthier immune systems,” Buss explains. “Astonishingly, women seem to be able to pick this up through sense of smell, especially at ovula tion, if they are not on hormonal contraceptives.”
6. Her physical health or well-being If you’re looking for a few good reasons why she should have s ex with you, there are countless ways in which you can emphasize that “getting busy” would be a wise move for her health. “During climax, opiates — the bo dy’s natural painkillers — are released, which can help decrease all sorts of aches and pains for women,” Meston explains. s ex can also help maintain the bo dy’s flexibility and cardiovascular health, decrease anxiety, and enhance overall mood. Additionally, Meston notes, having s ex during me nstruation decreases a woman’s risk of experiencing endo metriosis symptoms. Of course, s ex (if it lasts long enough!) can also be a good calorie burner, so you can always suggest it as a fantastic way to burn off the chocolate cheesecake you shared for dessert.
7. To raise her social status or sense of self-esteem In their research, Meston and Buss found that, for some women, having s ex is more about competition and winning (see who went home with the good-looking guy at the bar?). For women that do this to compete with others and also raise their social standing, her intended target’s social status is a key factor in revving her lib ido. “Young women who are ‘grou pies,’ for example, often compete to see who can have s ex with the musician who has a higher status, while Monica Lewinsky raised her status by having an intimate connection with the President,”
8..) Buss says. She goes on to explain that, for women who have s ex to raise their self-esteem, the motivating factor is usually the need to feel s exually desirable. “Some women suffer from low self-esteem and feel bad about their bo dies for a variety of reasons, ranging from comparisons with media models to put-downs by their regular mates,” explains Buss. Having s ex with a man who finds her irresistibly hot and her bo dy incredibly beautiful can provide a huge boost to a woman’s self-esteem — so if you’re looking for a little loving, make her feel like she’s the s exiest woman on the planet

Se x Story: Kunle & Annabelle’s Romantic Night to Remember (18+)

She stood in his tiny bathroom, brushing her teeth before bed. They had not been dating for long, but things were going fine; they were enjoying each other’s company.
As she stood there wearing only his oversized t-shirt and a pair of black panties, she stared into the mirror at herself and smiled. They were about to get into his huge king-sized bed and cuddle up – this was her favourite time of day. She loved laying next to him, talking about their day, laughing, joking around, and wrestling playfully with each other.
It made her feel close to him.
It made her feel like he truly cared for her. It made her feel loved, they had not uttered the dangerous “L” word to each other just yet…it was definitely much too early for that.
She rinsed her mouth with water, spit, then swung around and opened the door to his bedroom. She expected to find him fiddling away on his new laptop, waiting for her. Instead, though, the room was already dark, yet not pitch black. Candles had been lit. He had his back to her as he held up a glass vase and shoved his fingers into it, striking the match stick, lighting yet another candle. A dozen or so were glowing around the room. It felt absolutely romantic…so, unlike him.
Kunle wasn’t usually the romantic sort…or at least she didn’t think so. Now she realized she could be wrong. She climbed into his bed quietly and waited for him to turn around.
After lighting a few more candles, he turned to his stereo system. After a few clicks, the sensual voice of Marvin Gaye soon began emanating from his surround sound. Finally, he walked over to the bed and crawled in. He obviously didn’t want to cuddle and talk at that moment like she had initially expected they would be doing…he immediately began stripping her panties off her. She smiled as she stared up into his eyes.
He smiled back at her warmly. She reached for his boxer, the only thing he had on, and began to push them down. He pulled her panties off her completely, and then followed by pulling his own underwear off and discarding them onto the floor.
He was quickly hovering over her again, yanking his t-shirt off of her and tossing it, too. They were now na ked, staring at each other as the room glowed and the music thumped and stimulated their eardrums and their bodies.
Her legs parted, allowing him access to her wet slit, of which he took full advantage. His thick, hard di ck slowly sank deep into the core of her soft pu ssy. They moaned in unison as they continued to stare deep into each other’s’ eyes. It was then that she truly felt “it”, yes “it”, but she didn’t want to conceive any thought about “it” because it was much too soon for that but she surely felt “it”.
She might not have uttered the words, but she showed Kunle what she was feeling for him at that moment. She leaned up and kissed him hard, passionately. His hands sna ked all over the soft curves of her body as he kissed her back deeply. It all felt so significant, so…very true. She didn’t expect any of that from him; he’s just not THAT guy. No one would label him a romantic, so all of this came as a surprise to her, although a pleasant one. Soon his hips were moving into her in time with the beat of the Gaye’s song…he didn’t think she noticed, but she had, that he was healing her s*xually.
As the song’s pace picked up, so did Kunle’s hips. Soon they were kissing madly and his thrusts became more intense. She was sure he was going to cum any second…but he didn’t. But, he pulled his di ck from within her and slammed his body down on the bed beside her, then uttered one simple, two-word command: “Ride me.”
She didn’t dare argue with him for once; she immediately followed orders. She sat up and straddled him, slowly impaling herself on his hot, hard di ck, now soaking wet with her juices. They moaned in unison again as his di ck made its way deeper inside her than ever before. His hands came up and met hers – their fingers fastened as she began to move her hips back and forth over him.
She stared into his eyes as she f*cked him to the rhythm of the music just as he had done to her. Her ample bre asts swung beneath her. He brought his mouth up and captured her ni pple between his lips, su cking on it as his di ck thrusted inside her.
She began to feel a set of very unfamiliar feelings. Something deep within her stirred like never before. She felt a wave rising inside her, a wave of pleasure that she knew was going to crash like nothing she had ever experienced.
She began rocking her hips faster, becoming out of time with the music, yet not caring. As her head rolled back and her lips parted, he pushed his hips up into her, f*cking her back as she f*cked him. His hands let go of hers and went straight to her bre asts, pinching her ni pples.
This amplified and hurried the wave that was beginning to crash within her…the wave of unrecognizable pleasure that she hadn’t known possible. She soon realized it was his di ck rubbing back and forth against her g-spot, something she had never experienced with any other man before him. She had never had an org asm without cli toral stimulation, so she didn’t know what these feelings were at first. But now that she realized what was happening, she f*cked him faster than ever, clenching her thighs onto his hips as tight as she could. He pinched her ni pples harder. 
She screamed in pleasure. It wasn’t as much of a gradual build-up as it usually was with cli toral org asms; it was a quick climb to one hell of an explosion. Her first G-spot org asm soared through her entire body. She shook and shivered and bucked her hips. Her entire body ached with pleasure until she collapsed on top of him. She couldn’t believe what had just occurred. Never in her wildest dreams did I expect it.
She laid atop him for several moments and just said “Oh God, I can’t believe that just happened.” She must’ve said it 12 times while still trying to catch her breath. She was literally in shock as the warm; candlelit darkness surrounded her hot, sweaty body.
Kunle wasn’t surprised. He laid there cool as a cucumber with his arm around her, smiling. Finally, she looked up at him and said, “I swear, it’s like your di ck was made for my p*ssy.”
He just laughed and replied, “I know.”
To her dismay, he began to sit up. She didn’t want him to go…She didn’t want it to be over. The music was still thumping in the background and the candles flickered away casting shadows about the entire room, she wanted to lay with him and feel the closeness she had felt to him all night.
Her dismay soon turned to relief, as he moved down her body. He brought his arms up around her hips and his face was just above her pu ssy, now greasy with her cum.
“Oh!” She exclaimed, spreading her legs wider. He simply smiled up at her with his eyes as his mouth made contact with her cl it. Her entire being was on fire as his tongue swirled around her hardening little button. She had never been so turned on in her entire life!
He captured it between his soft, juicy lips as his tongue danced all around it. He pulled his hand down from around her hip and began rubbing up and down her soaked p*ssy with two fingers. He shoved one finger inside her roughly as his tongue lapped furiously at her hard, throbbing womanhood. She panted. She moaned. She whimpered. Another org asm rose within her.
Different from the last, more familiar, yet almost as strong. She began to push her hips against his mouth, urging him on. Her entire body cried out for more. She wanted it all…she wanted all of him.
She reached down and grabbed his head, urging him harder against her pu ssy. She fu cked upwards against his tongue as he licked her like she had never been licked before. Another org asm peaked. She shouted and moaned as her climax washed over her. Her entire body went limp as her mind swam with post-coital pleasure. She laid there, shaking as he blew hot breath against her throbbing cl it, until the last wave left her body.
Finally, Kunle sat up, then back. She somehow got her body working again and managed to follow him. He pulled her close. They sat facing each other, legs entwined, arms around each other, rubbing each other’s’ backs. They didn’t say anything at all. They just listened to the sensual music thump away in the background and stared into each other’s eyes as the light danced off the black hues of their irises. She had never in her life felt so satisfied, so close to someone, so fulfilled.
She wanted it to last forever. Annabelle sat there and thought about all the men before Kunle, how none had ever come close to making her feel that way. She thought about how he was the last guy on earth she had expected this from. He made her feel like she was the only woman in the world at that moment. Whether he truly felt that way or not, she will never know. But she felt it and that is what mattered. And as she sat there thinking about how amazing this new man in her life made her feel, she became overwhelmed with emotions.
She buried her face in his neck and hoped within her that she could hide the tears that were forming in her eyes. She didn’t want him to see how emotional this was for her. She didn’t want him to see her vulnerability just yet. She didn’t like to show that to anyone, let alone someone she had not known too long. What if he didn’t feel the same and this was just a game to him? She couldn’t risk it.
But as they sat there, holding each other in the candlelight, he finally brought his hand up to her face, forcing her to look up at him. As she did, a single tear finally rolled down her cheek. He looked at her very seriously – causing more tears to flow. He brought both hands up to her face, using his thumbs to wipe away her tears. They just stared at each other for what seemed like an eternity.
Finally, he spoke. Oh, not only did he speak, but he said the three words that made everything about that night real and meaningful and perfect. “I love you.”
She, having felt “it” already, returned the affection. “I love you, too, Kunle.”
And with that, she sank closer into him, pulling him tight, knowing that this was just the start of something…powerful.


Waking up for the last couple of days had been slightly painful, her body arched after it was taken for a roller coaster by papa Doris, it took a lot of work for her madam not to realize something was wrong, she had to stay away from her Oga as he took every chance to grab her ass.
She stretched then left to fetch water, she did her chores slowly like she’s been doing the last couple days, she prepared breakfast and prepare the kids for school, when she was doing her dishes the kids screaming startled her
“Uncle Matthew” they all screamed in unison while scrambling to the main door
She looked back to see Matthew, he was her madam’s nephew that was schooling in the University of Abuja, he usually came around once in a while before he travelled home, she rinsed her hands and went to hug him and collected his load, she welcomed him with smiles, she liked when he came around, they would gist and he would tell her stories about his school. He went in greeted her madam who was happy to see him, he was going to be sending three days with them before he travelled to his hometown, she served him breakfast and went back to her chores.
Soon everyone went about their business and the compound started to look empty, part of her errand for the day is to buy meat and cook Jollof rice as Matthew was around, she went to get the meat so she can cook fast and have more time to catch up with him, she cooked the food and stored it in a warmer. She went to sit with him in the living room.
“How have you been na” he said as she sat beside him
“Nothing o, I just dey” She said
They caught up with him telling her about his school and soon the conversation drifted to the girls he has been with, she was going through his pictures as he kept telling her about the girls he spoke to on the phone, she was sliding through the phone when she came across a picture of a n aked girl in front of a mirror, her face was not in the picture though, she kept staring.
You like what you see?” He asked
“No, is that how her dis thing is?” she stammered
“She’s shaven clean” he said
She nodded looking away shyly, she thought about her own bushy pu ssy feeling insecure, he must have figure out that’s what was on her mind, he moved closer and asked if she was shaven down there which she said no and looked away.
“Maybe I can help” he said searching her face
She looked at him not knowing what to say, he stood up and went inside and came out with a black nylon, he brought out a box of clipper from the nylon and looked up at her, she nodded and he went to set up, she sat awkwardly till he motioned to he when he was done, come and lay down he said to her, she came and laid down stilly on the floor, he looked at her and she looked away.
He pulled her pant down and lifted her gown to her waist, he turned on the clipper and stopped for a while and brought it to her p*ssy, the vibration made her gasp, she relaxed a bit as he kept going, she closed her eyes as the vibrations felt both weird and good.
After sometime the vibration stopped and she opened her eyes, he was gathering the hair to the side, he started to dust off the tiny hair on her now shaven p*ssy, his hands on her felt good, he rubbed down till his hand felt her wetness he stopped and looked at her.
Her eyes were closed and her mouth slightly opened, he rubbed her clit seeing her shudder a bit, he slip a finger into her wet p*ssy and saw her eye open, they stared at each other for a while, he smiled and brought his mouth to her shaven p*ssy.
The feeling of his warm tongue on her clit felt great, she opened her mouth but nothing came out, he pushed his tongue into her p*ssy and su cked, he could tell it was her first time getting head, he su cked harder and flicked her clit fast, he pushed his tongue in and out faster, she clamped his head in place with her legs and he worked harder, soon her fingers were grabbing his head as she came hard, he lapped her cum clean.
He looked up to see the look on her face as her hand came down to touch her shaven pu ssy. He knew the next few day would be fun.