
Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Aina 10 ya wanawake wanaopendwa na wanaume

Wanawake daraja la kwanza wanaopendwa zaidi na wanaume ni wale wenye msimamo, uelewa mkubwa wa mambo na maamuzi sahihi, wako makini kwenye matendo yao na siku zote hufanya vitu kwa ajili ya kupata mafanikio.

Aina ya pili inayohitajika katika katika ulimwengu wa kimapenzi ni wanawake wanaoheshimu usawa wa jinsia, walio tayari kubeba majukumu ya kifamilia kwa ulinganifu sawa na wanaume, wenye uwezo wa kuongoza jamii kwa asilimia 50 kwa 50.

Wanawake wajuzi wa mambo ya faragha wanapendwa sana. Sifa yao kubwa ni uwezo wa kutosheleza katika tendo la ndoa. Tafiti zinaonyesha kuwa wanaume hupenda sana wanawake watundu katika mchezo wa sita kwa sita. Mara nyingi wanatajwa kuwa na uwezo wa kuteka akili za wanaume bila kujali sifa zao za nje au za ndani.

Wanawake wenye sifa sawa na rafiki ni aina ya nne inayowavutia wanaume. Wao hutegemea zaidi nguvu ya kushawishi inayotokana na namna wanavyojali na kujitolea kuhakikisha wanakuwa marafiki wa kweli kwenye shida na raha kwa wapenzi wao. Si wakorofi, waungwana na wapenda amani.

Aina nyingine ya wanawake inayowavutia wanaume ni wenye msimamo na uwazi. Si wepesi wa kuburuzwa katika maamuzi ya msingi kwa kisingizio cha wao ni wanawake. Utafiti unaonesha wanawake wa aina hii wamekuwa muhimu hasa kwa wanaume wenye tabia za ubabe na udhaifu katika uelewa wa mambo.

Wanawake wanaojitegemea wana soko kubwa kwa wanaume tofauti na akina naomba vocha kila siku. Uchunguzi unaonyesha kuwa wanaume wa leo hawapendi wanawake tegemezi, wasiokuwa na kazi na wanaoendekeza starehe za upande mmoja.

Nikisema wanawake wasiokuwa na presha namaanisha wasiolazimisha vitu vitokee haraka haraka. Wao siku zote huacha mambo yatokee yenyewe na kazi yao kuwa ni kutenda sehemu ya majukumu yao kama wapenzi.

Kundi lingine la wanawake wanaopendwa na wanaume ni wanaozingatia usafi na kujiremba. Wanaokwenda na wakati katika mavazi na mvuto wa nje. Lakini pia ni welewa wa mazingira, si wasamba. Wanapendeza kwa muonekano.

Wanawake ambao hulidhika na hali walizonazo ni kivutio kikubwa kwa wanaume, hili ni kundi linalohitajika sana katika ulimwengu wa mapenzi kwa upande wa wanaume ambao maisha ya sasa yamekuwa yakiwageuza kutoka juu kwenda chini au chini juu. Kukubali hali zote bila kubadili tabia ni sifa njema ya mwanamke.

Wanawake wanaochagua mara moja na kutosheka na kuwa tayari kukwepa kila aina ya vishawishi toka kwa wanaume ambao kimtazamo wana vitu vya ziada zaidi ya waliowachagua mwanzo wanahitajika sana. “Niliye naye ananitosheleza kwa kila kitu sitaki mtu mwingine.” Kundi la wanawake wa aina hii ni adimu na muhimu sana.

Monday, December 4, 2017

I Sit Here and Stare - Part C

I know what you’re thinking and no, it’s not what you’re thinking. I haven’t gone completely over to the dark side. I am still standing on the gray line and so they won’t have me yet. My mother’s voice hasn’t stopped echoing in my ears although it’s fading faster with every day spent harboring this new form of an already familiar-felt feeling. This time, it was more than a duty; it was the leaping of a heart beat whenever the spark was ignited. This time, it was strange.

And so it continued; the priest hovering above my head like the dove present at Christ’s baptism. I found myself leaning closer and staring deeper with every meeting and soon it happened.

As he walked slowly and gracefully like a man with steps ordered by the Messiah towards the waiting family, other members of the church stopped him more than once to say their hello but I felt it, his eyes that were like a pool of sea on me as if he had one in every part of the body I now knew too well.

I stood, hands folded in front and waited for him to reach me in time. I was wearing the yellow dress again, looking like the day he’d saved me and hoped he would continue to do so now as the request that had brought me to him was one even I knew God would frown upon.

But I didn’t mind. I could feel my legs become like the weight of a feather, helping my body sway from left to right as nervousness dealt with me. It ate away at my confidence and brought consciousness back to life; consciousness of how the next 72 hours of my life was going to turn in or out.

Finally, he arrived, standing still with a masked smile on his face. He looked at me and bowed and I did the same. Could he see the sadness in my eyes? Would that help him make the decision faster? But no, I wasn’t going to be weak, not today.

“We thought…”

“I know Mrs. Rizzo. It will be well.” He said, reaching for the hands of Mrs. Rizzo as if he could read the regret and sadness written on her palms. He was giving them hope by holding on so dearly and I in that moment held on to this promise.

“Follow me…” he said once he let go of Mrs. Rizzo’s hands. I was to follow him to the confession booth to speak what could be my last piece of parting words to God. The Rizzo’s had thought it was a good idea, to be with God one last time as I embark on my journey but I had other plans in mind. I watched him disappear into his hiding booth where I could only see his face as though in pieces.

 He coughed a moment later and began with the sign of the cross. “In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” And then he urged me to confess my sins one last time saying, “May the Lord be in your heart and help you to confess your sins with true sorrow.”

All this time, I was watching him perform this duty and I knew his heart even more than the God who called him into this. And when I saw him open the bible to read from the very book he didn’t believe in, I began my confession.

I said, “Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned. I have fallen in love with your servant. A priest. But what is love if I cannot love a man who has chosen to give all of him to you who is love?”

“Nomi,” he said quietly and this time it felt different. There was no fire in the way he spoke my name like before. I could feel rejection coming in the way my name fell cold to the floor.

“NaNomi,” he called and I didn’t need him to remind me of my name so I caught him off.

          “I know you don’t want to be here.” And that was the truth. “You hate it here. You’ve been stuck in this room since you were 24. Repeating the same prayers when there is no sincerity in your heart, you should be the one confessing but you call my name as if I am some strange thing!”

          “Get a hold of yourself.” He said with the same passion and urgency as was present the first time he held me near. This man had succeeded in fooling himself for the past decade but I wasn’t his fool.

          “You, the very thought of you is sin to me. A stain in this cloth I wear. What was your true purpose of coming here tonight? If it isn’t to say your goodbyes I want no more of it. I want you gone. I just want you gone! I can’t think straight when you’re around, I can’t do a thing and this, us, it’s a sin. I couldn’t take it anymore.”

          “But what am I to do?” I asked and he didn’t answer. “I have given up everything, my God, my language, my home, myself, everything just to be here. They’ve come to take me away, I don’t know how they found me so soon but you know I can’t go back to my country. I can’t stay with the Rizzo’s any longer and you know why so what am I to do? You said your government was not like mine so why have they come for me who just wants peace of mind?”

          “Why have you truly come here?”

          “To ask you to come away with me to a place where we wouldn’t have to hide our love before the government comes to take me to a place where there’s no love but war and blood.”

          How could he not understand now that I needed him the most? How could he look at me as if he knew nothing of us? How could he forget the many nights he spent dressed in the normality he wanted with life and with his hands wrapped around my waist seeking to be loved? Or was it all in my head? The testament of the freedom he so wanted away from the church and in my arms? And there I was seeking liberation from a man who himself hasn’t been liberated and I sunk.

          He said, “It was all in your head dear child. Carry on. And may the peace of the lord be with you.” and then he who was like a dream without a sound walked away.

          The End

I Sit Here and Stare - Part B

And so it began. An introduction was made by Mrs. Rizzo, “This is…”

“NaNomi.” I’d finished, recognizing the word name again.

“Yes, NaNomi, she’s staying with us now.”

“Oh... I see.” He said hands still by his side; he scrutinized me. I felt his eyes on my heated face as if in search of something. What is it? What am I not?

“Well, I’ll leave you and your husband plus NaNomi to your work. I’ll be inside if you need me.”

“Yes, yes.” Mr. Rizzo spoke up this time. “As a matter of fact we had something to discuss with you concerning our new friend.” He said and his gaze shifted my way.

“Alright then, you can come by now if you want to.” And they did.

 Alone in this unfamiliar place, I’d focused my energy on cleaning the wooden chairs in the room from my left to my right. I’d counted 22 of these long wooden chairs and knew that the room could contain only a few and wondered where the rest went to pray to their God. High up on the wall of the alter rested a statue of a man in grave pain. The pain stricken man was nailed on a cross; bare with only a robe covering the lower part of his body. I stared, wondered, and finally wandered away.

Soon, the Rizzo’s and the priest appeared. This time when he looked at me it was with familiarity, as if we’d known each other in another life. All I could do was stare naively as I neither understood nor spoke the language in which they carried their conversation. A pat on the shoulder of Mr. Rizzo and he was gone but not without a sharp bow to me. I reciprocated by bowing lower than he’d done. The family joined me after the priest left. From the look on their faces they were happy at the job I’d done without them.

A few minutes later, we were home. That night, Mrs. Rizzo made chicken soup again and we ate it with bread left from the morning sales. We ate and slept. But I didn’t. I couldn’t. I’d wept throughout the night after my prayers. I’d failed my mother, I knew it. I knew it and so I wept myself to sleep.

The next morning was Saturday. I was awake before the Rizzo’s, waiting for our usual day to commence but they stopped me at the door before we left.

“Church…” She said and although I didn’t want to go back there and see the man on the cross, or the strange priest, I quickly reminded myself of the danger I’d gone through to get to Italy. I was here to survive by all means. I must.

That morning, Mr. Rizzo dropped his wife at their tiny shop with his old and rusty pickup truck and I remained in the car as the couple talked for a few minutes. When Mr. Rizzo came back, he drove me straight to the church.

Today I was wearing a pretty yellow floral dress that stopped a little bit below my knees. The gown fitted my tiny figure as if it’d originally been mine. Mrs. Rizzo had added a brown sandal to match and they fitted perfectly too. I stepped out of the car and smoothed the material of the gown to my body. This felt foreign to me as it was the first time I’d wore clothes that left my arms and legs exposed. Mrs. Rizzo had also used a yellow ribbon to hold my wild curls up, exposing my long neck. I felt naked all of a sudden as a stubborn wind blew the hem of my gown, sending it flying up. I quickly rushed alongside Mr. Rizzo inside the church.

“Wow… NaNomi,” He whispered in shock when he saw me. “As-salam alaykom.” He added and I, without thinking flew straight into his opened arms. I slowly dropped on my knees, holding on dearly to the hem of his white garment and cried, chanting in my language, “Thank God! Thank God!”

“I’ll take it from here, Mr. Rizzo” he said and the man left.

I still wouldn’t let go of him, he’d been to me that day like a savior. He’d given me hope where they hadn’t been any. I was sure my mother had sent him to me to help me.

“Please rise,” Hed said in Arabic as he assisted me in rising up. “I know this is a lot to take in but I am here to help you. God has sent me to you. Now let’s go to my office and we can talk, is that okay?” I nodded and he led the way.

Upon reaching his office, he asked in my language, “How did you come to Italy? Do you have family here?” I answered, “No, no one. I have nobody. I am nobody.”

“But what about your parents?”

“They’re in Sudan. I came here on a boat,” I said. “A big one. We were escaping from the war that has killed many of our people.”

“Wait, we?”

“Yes, many of us. Girls, boys, little girls, and boys…”

“Where are the rest now?”

“I…I don’t know. I don’t know. I don’t want to go back; I don’t want to go back.” I repeated in tears.

“It’s okay, the Rizzo’s has promised to keep you until you’re able to live on your own. However, the government is what we will be most worried about.”

“The government? I don’t want to meet them, please don’t bring them, they kill people. They’re killing my people.”

“Oh no, no, not the Sudanese government, I meant the Italian government here.”  He’d said, but was there any difference?

He’d continued, “We will have problems with immigration but for now if you’re going to stay in Italy you’ll either have to learn English, Italian or both. I have promised the Rizzo’s that I will take full responsibility of your English language education while you remain with us. We can start as soon as possible so you can feel a bit more comfort with the Rizzo family. Would you like that?” He asked and I grabbed the hands on the desk and said, “Yes, please teach me.”

I hadn’t thought about it however spontaneous it might have seemed, but as quickly as it’d happened, I’d realized that I’d yet again failed my mother and all what she’d thought me for the past twenty years blew past my mind. But one look at the hands I was holding on to and I saw much more than the differences my mother had said laid between a man and a woman: My dark hands on his pale, rough, and creamy ones, my dark eyes and his green ones, my God and his God, my language and his language; but how could he speak mine?

“While in school I’d learned Arabic in order to translate parts of the Bible. I also did some mission work in many Arabic speaking countries.” He answered and then I thought maybe he was the one who’d promised my cousins salvation. Maybe he was the messiah they spoke of.

From then on I saw this man three times a week. I’d begun to learn the English language through the help of video tutorials and with his assistant as a teacher. I, however, wasn’t his only student. They’d been others like me but none was quite like me. One evening after the rest students had gone home and while I waited on Mr. Rizzo for a ride home, he’d asked if my faith was fragile enough to be broken. I’d answered yes because the solid foundation of the home I’d shared with my family had been broken once and there I’d known all the love a person should ever know.

Then he called me “Nomi,” like my mother did when she is about to tell me a terrible thing, or a deep secret she couldn’t share with my father. I wasn’t sure which was coming this time as the priest was a peculiar man but whatever it was, I’d braced myself for it.

“What do you know about love?” He’d asked.

...And this was the seventh month since I first saw him.

I Sit Here and Stare - Part A

Usually, the path to self-destruction is unclear, I’d read in the first English novel I found in the house. It’d said we make plans and never think of being caught in our own set traps. Not even once. This, however, wasn’t ultimately correct for I’d from the first day thought of how all this would end before it’d even started.

As I looked up at the podium where the priest stood finishing his lesson for that morning, I smiled. I’d learnt how to blush two years ago when I’d first visited the church with the family I was staying with. After running from home, thousands of miles away, I’d found shelter in a remote city in Italy were everyone knew everyone. There was war in Sudan and although the world remained silent while more and more of my people died each day, I’d embarked on this journey on the 21st of March to escape from it all. Running away wasn’t something I was ashamed of, however; the thoughts of the family I left behind were the only pain I carried on her heart every night whenever I sat down to dine with my new family.

I removed my eyes from his when he looked my way. I looked to my right at the youngest member of the Rizzo family and smiled down at the child, hiding away in the disguise of my dark skin.

I examined the three-year-old who was sleeping, mouth wide open but peacefully in her mother’s arm. Mrs. Rizzo caught my eyes while I watched the sleeping child. She took one pitiful look at me and sighed. I understood what she was saying without vocal communication. I understood that she too was afflicted by my new and yet expected life dilemma. I wanted to tell her that I neither blamed her or her husband for what was about to happen. In fact, I was indebted to them. Her husband who’d found me freezing to death near an antique shop had brought me home to his wife who bath me in hot water and clothe me in her oversized shirt. She’d served me a warm meal of chicken soup and biscuit with questions directed only to her husband. Afterwards, she gave me blankets and showed me to the room they used for storing flour. I’d been unable to sleep that night, afraid that this would all end by morning. But when morning came, Mrs. Rizzo asked for my name in English and all I’d recognized in her short sentence was “name?”

My mother had told me they would ask what my name was and to not be afraid to tell them whose daughter I belonged to.

 “NaNomi.” I’d immediately answered. She’d asked other questions and I’d watched her lips move in wonder of this language I neither understood nor spoke. I’d responded in Arabic and she’d been so startled she drew back in fear. I’d immediately told her that I wasn’t going to hurt her, I’d told her my story but she couldn’t understand any word I was saying either. My frustration gave way to tears and when I began to cry, I couldn’t stop.  Anger, fear, frustration, my tears streamed of those words I couldn’t say and she understood only then and drew me into her arms like the mother I was sure I would never see again.

 She’d said me they were poor. Husband and wife were both forty-five years old. They owned a small bakery where they made bread from morning up until whenever customers became scarce. Afterwards, they worked as cleaners at the church they attended. This had been their way of saying they couldn’t keep me who was nothing but something of certain strangeness to them.

“But three sets of hands will make the job faster, what do you think?” She’d asked her husband who couldn’t stop staring at me. I was to stay with them and while I stayed with them, I was to help them in their cleaning business. The job was all too familiar to me as it was the only job I’d been able to secure while in Sudan. I agreed to the arrangement and the next day while they got dressed for work, I followed along in Mrs. Rizzo’s clothes.

Our last stop for that day was at a church. It’d resembled the one my older cousin’s packed to, positive that this would save their souls. I was afraid to step inside because I on the other hand was a Muslim. This place and its firm walls was not me but this had been the first thing they’d changed—my religion. But it was for work, just for survival so I convinced myself to enter. I’d persuaded myself that I wasn’t betraying my faith after all I’d been the one abandoned by God and my country. 

An hour later, Mrs. Rizzo was amazed by my strength as she’d been amazed by the color of my skin the first night she saw me. Even with the help of a faint light it’d still felt as if darkness had come to pay them a visit. I’d accepted the compliment spoken yet not understood.

It’d been the sound of his voice that’d made the three of us turn around. He was standing in front of the door, tall and shining like gold. This strange man covering his pale skin in a clergy rope was the priest. He’d greeted Mr. Rizzo and his wife first with familiarity as he approached us with his hands folded at his back. This odd man terrified me. His steady walk towards me made me want to run for shelter in my mother’s bosom. What creature was this? I’d thought of him as light and I darkness, even darker than the deepest tunnel. If he’d been surprised to see me he’d disguised it well enough in the modest smile he shot my way. Unnoticeably, I’d curved my head and blushed for the first time and that, was my first sin. 

Givenchy’s Dark Romance

Givenchy's Dark Romance
Givenchy's catwalk shows are public debates that its designer Riccardo Tisci has with himself each season, where his inner demons and personal obsessions do battle for…
Givenchy's catwalk shows are public debates that its designer Riccardo Tisci has with himself each season, where his inner demons and personal obsessions do battle for his soul.
The spring 2013 collection presented Sunday night, Sept. 30, was no different. The threads of religion, romance, gothic imagery and female power run through all his collections.
His staging showed the different directions in which he is swayed: a church organist in an elegant wooden scaffold at one end of the Paris high school interior courtyard where the show was staged, a rocking DJ duo at the other.
Just like the soundtrack, the clothes competed for attention. Tisci went back to the house's archive, and discovered some striking new moon shape tailoring - seen to great effect in stiff silk tops and theatrical cocoon jackets.
His women varied from the rapacious to the devout: a Catherine de Medici calico blouse one second, then a simmering femme fatale in a tunic of white jacquard, the sort of fabric a cardinal would wear. And as the church organist hit some super moody chords, a posse of sexy nun models paraded around the musician.
Most looks were finished with tough chic metal chokers, mini shoulder straps, bracelets and heels - adding punch to the ensembles. "They came from Carlo Molino, but from his furniture not his work," said Tisci backstage, as a mob of fans showered him with compliments.
It's been quite a season for Molino, the fantastical Italian architect and photographer of the faintly perverse, seeing as Consuelo Castiglioni at Marni in Milan cited him last week as an influence on her new geometric fashion.
There was little geometric about this Givenchy show, whose finale featured floor-length white chiffon blouses, with one side cut out to reveal tuxedo pants underneath. Every second look was trimmed and completed with a fluttering ruffle, a romantic touch to the dynamic yet fervent style.
However, though thoroughly accomplished, the show did not quite reach the heights of recent Givenchy outings. There were no special bookings or visiting super models like Gisele Bundchen or Natalia Vodianova, one of the highlights of Givenchy shows. Moreover, the trip to the archive, while intriguing, meant the collection broke less ground than one is used to with Tisci.
That said, even a couple of points off his A-game, a Givenchy show by Tisci is always a truly compelling affair
Givenchy's catwalk shows are public debates that its designer Riccardo Tisci has with himself each season, where his inner demons and personal obsessions do battle for…
Givenchy's catwalk shows are public debates that its designer Riccardo Tisci has with himself each season, where his inner demons and personal obsessions do battle for his soul.
The spring 2013 collection presented Sunday night, Sept. 30, was no different. The threads of religion, romance, gothic imagery and female power run through all his collections.
His staging showed the different directions in which he is swayed: a church organist in an elegant wooden scaffold at one end of the Paris high school interior courtyard where the show was staged, a rocking DJ duo at the other.
Just like the soundtrack, the clothes competed for attention. Tisci went back to the house's archive, and discovered some striking new moon shape tailoring - seen to great effect in stiff silk tops and theatrical cocoon jackets.
His women varied from the rapacious to the devout: a Catherine de Medici calico blouse one second, then a simmering femme fatale in a tunic of white jacquard, the sort of fabric a cardinal would wear. And as the church organist hit some super moody chords, a posse of sexy nun models paraded around the musician.
Most looks were finished with tough chic metal chokers, mini shoulder straps, bracelets and heels - adding punch to the ensembles. "They came from Carlo Molino, but from his furniture not his work," said Tisci backstage, as a mob of fans showered him with compliments.
It's been quite a season for Molino, the fantastical Italian architect and photographer of the faintly perverse, seeing as Consuelo Castiglioni at Marni in Milan cited him last week as an influence on her new geometric fashion.
There was little geometric about this Givenchy show, whose finale featured floor-length white chiffon blouses, with one side cut out to reveal tuxedo pants underneath. Every second look was trimmed and completed with a fluttering ruffle, a romantic touch to the dynamic yet fervent style.
However, though thoroughly accomplished, the show did not quite reach the heights of recent Givenchy outings. There were no special bookings or visiting super models like Gisele Bundchen or Natalia Vodianova, one of the highlights of Givenchy shows. Moreover, the trip to the archive, while intriguing, meant the collection broke less ground than one is used to with Tisci.
That said, even a couple of points off his A-game, a Givenchy show by Tisci is always a truly compelling affair

Zitambue Dalili na za mwanamke anayetaka kuachana nawe katika mahusiano

Kuna tofauti kubwa ya kimaamuzi kati ya mwanaume na mwanamke kwenye suala la kuachana. Inaelezwa kwamba, wanaume ni rahisi kuamua ndani ya dakika moja na kutangaza kuvunja uhusiano, lakini kwa wanawake maamuzi yao mara nyingi hutanguliwa na dalili, ingawa hata wanaume nao wanazo.

Uchunguzi unaonesha kuwa, wanawake wengi hawawezi kuficha sana hisia zao za mapenzi, lakini pia kwenye chuki hawakujaaliwa uvumilivu. Wanasaikolojia wanakiri kwamba, kutambua mawazo yaliyomo ndani ya mwanamke kwa kumtazama muonekano wake usoni ni rahisi kuliko mwanaume ambaye anatajwa kuwa na uwezo wa kuficha mawazo yake.

Muongozo huo wa kitaalamu wa kumtambua mwanamke anayekaribia kukuacha ni kazi rahisi, ambayo inaweza kuanzia kwenye kona ya mazoea ya tabia zake za kila siku kwenye uhusiano wa kimapenzi. Ni imani yangu kuwa kila mwanaume anamfahamu mpenzi wake katika sura mbili za chuki na furaha yake.

Atakuwa mwanaume wa ajabu ambaye atarudi nyumbani kwake na kushindwa kusoma sura ya mkewe na kujua kama ana furaha au amekwazika.

Ninapotazama uwezekano rahisi wa kumtambua mwanamke, nafika mahali pa kuamini kuwa dokezo chache nitakazotoa hapa chini zinaweza kuwa msaada kwa wanaume wengi kujua kama wamekaribia kuwekwa kando kimapenzi.

1. Hupenda kujitenga.
Mwanamke ambaye anapenda kujitenga na mpenzi wake atakuwa kwenye hatua za awali za kuelekea kuachana naye. Tabia ya mwanamke kutopenda kukaa karibu na mumewe au mpenzi wake inatajwa kama ishara ya kuchoka au kukinai penzi. Hoja inabaki pale niliposema yeye kushindwa kuamua haraka na hivyo kutengeneza kwanza hali ya kumpuuza mpenzi wake.

2. Hupoteza hamu ya tendo la ndoa.
Mwanamke ambaye hafurahii tendo la ndoa kwa mumewe au mpenzi wake yuko kwenye hatua za kuacha. Mara zote msisimko wa kimapenzi huashiria utoshelevu wa kihisia ambao ndiyo unaoelezwa kuwa ni muhimu kwenye uhusiano wa kimapenzi kuliko kitu kingine chochote.

Hii ina maana kwamba, mwanamke anayetosheka na kuvutiwa na mwanaume aliyenaye hawezi kukosa hisia za kimapenzi hasa anapokuwa na mwenza wake faragha.

3. Hupenda kukosoa kila kitu.
Kama nilivyosema, kujua historia ya penzi lenu namna lilivyoanza ni jambo muhimu kwa sababu husaidia kujua kama kuna mabadiliko hatari ya tabia za mwanamke.

Ikitokea mpenzi wako ambaye hapo mwanzo alikuwa msikivu na ghafla ukaanza kuona amekuwa mkosaji na mpingaji wa mwenendo wako au kila unachofikiria kukifanya, tambua kuwa hiyo ni ishara kuwa amechoka kilichobaki ni nafasi ya kukuacha.

4. Kutokukutegemea
Mwanamke ambaye ana kusudio la kukuacha huanza kwa kuuondoa utegemezi. Ikiwa alikuwa anakuomba nauli, fedha ya matumizi, ada na huduma nyingine atasitisha bila kukuambia na bado utaona anaendelea kujimudu kama kawaida au kuteseka kimya kimya. Kuacha kukutegemea kama zamani ni dalili za kuweza kuishi bila wewe na hivyo kutafsiri uwezekano wa kukuacha wakati wowote.

5. Kupunguza mawasiliano.
Asikwambie mtu aiseeeh, mapenzi ni mawasiliano bora kati ya mume na mke. Endapo itatokea ya kwamba hakuna mawasiliano thabiti baina yako na mpenzi wako kama ambavyo ilikuwa mwanzo basi tambua fika penzi lenu limefika ukingoni.

Hizo dalili chache kati ya nyingi za mwanamke ambaye anataka kuachana nawe katika muhusiano ya kimapenzi.

Mambo 10 ambayo ni Sumu katika Mapenzi

KATIKA harakati zako za kutafuta mpenzi, unaweza kukutana na mwanamke ambaye kwa sababu moja au nyingine anakwondolea uwezo wako wa kufikiri, kutumia mantiki na pia kutumia akili yako ya kuzaliwa. Si lazima awe amekufanyia kitu, lakini inaweza kuwa ni ulevi wako tu unaosababisha ufanye mambo yasiyo ya kawaida. Pengine ndiyo maana baadhi ya wasanii huzungumzia suala la “kudata” kutokana na mapenzi.

Ni jambo jema kudhani kuwa wewe na mpenzi wako mnapendana kwa dhati na kwamba kila mmoja amefika kwa mwenzake, lakini kama mojawapo ya mambo haya kumi yaliyoelezwa hapa chini litajitokeza, basi fahamu kuwa yamkini umependa kuliko kawaida, yaani ni kama umenyweshwa sumu ya penzi. Kumbuka kupenda ni kuzuri, lakini kupenda kupindukia kunaweza kukutumbukia nyongo, kwani katika kila jambo kinahitajika kiasi.

Ni jambo jema kwa mwanamume kumtakia heri mpenzi wake na kufanya kila awezalo kuhakikisha kuwa hapati madhara, lakini iwapo utakuwa mtu wa wasiwasi na mashaka pale unapomwona mpenzi wako akizungumza na mwanamume mwingine, au anapotoka na marafiki zake wa kike, au anapovaa nguo inayomfanya atamanishe, basi fahamu kuwa tayari umekunywa sumu ya mapenzi.

Katika uhusiano wa kimapenzi, kuaminiana ni jambo muhimu sana. Kama kweli unataka mpenzi wako akupende kwa dhati, mwoneshe kuwa unamwamini na unaheshimu maamuzi yake, ikiwa ni pamoja na maamuzi ya kutoka na marafiki zake wa kike na kuwa na marafiki wa kawaida wa kiume. Ondoa hofu na acha kabisa kumpeleleza, maana wapo wanaume ambao hutumia muda wao mwingi kuwapeleleza wapenzi wao ikiwa ni pamoja na kuwategeshea kamera na rekoda za simu.

Kama huishi na mpenzi wako ni jambo la kawaida kuwa na hamu ya kumwona mara kwa mara, lakini kumbuka kuwa mpenzi wako naye ana maisha yake na anahitaji nafasi ya kuwa peke yake kwa ajili ya mambo yake binafsi.

Hisia za kutaka kuwa na mpenzi wako muda wote zinaweza kudhaniwa kuwa ni za mapenzi ya dhati, lakini kwa hakika hiyo si ishara njema ya mapenzi ya kudumu. Hebu jiulize kama unaweza kuendeleza hali hiyo maisha yako yote. Ni wazi kuwa utachoka. Kwa hiyo, mpe mpenzi wako fursa ya kupumua. Namna hii mpenzi wako atajenga hamu ya kutaka kukutana nawe lakini ukiwa naye muda wote hamu hiyo itaisha.

Unaweza kujikuta ukisukumwa kumwambia mpenzi wako awe anavaa nini wakati gani, akutane na nani na kwa wakati gani au ale nini. Ukiona hivyo, fahamu kuwa hayo si mapenzi, bali umepitiliza na pengine mwisho wa uhusiano wenu unanukia.

Hata ukiachilia mbali suala zima la usawa wa jinsia, hakuna mwanamke ambaye angependa apangiwe kila kitu kuhusiana na maisha yake. Kama ilivyodokezwa hapo juu, kila mtu ana maisha yake na kilichowaunganisha ni mapenzi tu. Kama utataka kumpangia kila kitu ni wazi kuwa utaishia kuishi peke yako.

Iwapo utajikuta ukimuuliza mpenzi wako maswali mengi yanayoonesha wasiwasi wako kuhusiana na mwenendo wake, fahamu kuwa kuna tatizo na tatizo hilo lisipopatiwa ufumbuzi utakuwa mwanzo wa mwisho wa uhusiano wenu.

Mwanamke angependa umuulize maswali ya kawaida kuhusiana na jinsi siku yake ilivyokuwa na kama marafiki zake hawajambo au la, lakini kila jambo lina mpaka wake. Mwanamke hatarajii kuwa kila mnapokutana atakuwa kama ameingia kwenye chumba cha mtihani au usaili wa kazi.

Wakati mwingine watu hushindwa kuwaamini wenzao, lakini kwa sababu ambazo ni za msingi, lakini kuna wakati ambapo mtu hushindwa kumwamini mwenzake bila sababu yoyote ya msingi, au kwa sababu zisizo sahihi, kisingizio kikiwa ni mapenzi.

Kuna tatizo la kisaikolojia la kujishuku au kuwashuku wenzako. Hili ni jambo ambalo linaweza kukuharibia mustakabali wako katika mapenzi, maana husababisha kujengeka kwa mazingira ya kutokuaminiana. Ili uweze kwenda sanjari na mpenzi wako, amini kila anachokweleza hadi pale utakapokuwa na sababu za msingi za kutokumwamini. Na hata unapokuwa umelithibitisha jambo, endelea kuwa katika uhalisia wako.

Mahusiano ya kimapenzi mara nyingi huhusisha kila mmoja kuacha baadhi ya mambo yake kwa ajili ya mwenzake. Hata hivyo, lengo ni kuweka tu uwiano wa mahitaji, si kuacha kila kitu ulichokuwa nacho kwa ajili ya mwenzako, ama kwa shinikizo, au kwa kulewa penzi.

Iwapo utabaini kuwa marafiki zako sasa wamekuwa ni marafiki zako wa zamani na hobi zako zimebaki tu katika kumbukumbu japo kwa hakika bado unahisi mapenzi katika hobi hizo, basi tambua kuwa huyo mrembo wako amekunywesha sumu ya penzi na sasa huwezi hata kuitumia vema mantiki yako.

Mbaya zaidi, iwapo utabaini kuwa marafiki zako wapya ni marafiki wa siku zote wa mpenzi wako na hobi zako ni zile za mpenzi wako, basi tambua kuwa huna tena nafsi yako, bali umejisalimisha mzima mzima kwa mpenzi wako. Lakini msemo mmoja wa hekima unatwambia usiweke mayai yako yote kwenye kikapu kimoja. Yamkini unaelewa.

Pengine unakumbuka kuwa kuna nyakati ambapo ulikuwa na uwezo wa kujikita katika jambo moja na kulifanya kwa umakini, huku ukiwa pia mwerevu, mjanja na unayejisimamia, lakini leo unayeyuka kirahisi tu kama barafu iliyowekwa juani! Hii ni hatari kwa mustakabali wa maisha yako.

Mbaya zaidi ni pale utakapoiacha kazi yako inayokulipa vizuri na kufanya kazi nyingine kwa ajili ya kumfurahisha mpenzi wako. Ukifika hali hii ujue wewe mwenyewe kuwa hapo hakuna mwanamume.

Umewahi kujisikia kuwa na utayari wa kufa kwa ajili ya mpenzi wako? Kama jibu ni “ndiyo”, basi fahamu kwa hakika kuwa hayo uliyo nayo si mapenzi bali ni upumbavu. Pengine huku ndiko kunywesha sumu ya mapenzi. Kwa hakika, hakuna mwanamke ambaye anastahili kumfanya mwanamume yeyote kufa kwa ajili yake.

Yamkini wanaume wanaolengwa katika makala haya si wavulana wanaosoma sekondari, waliobalehe majuzi, ambao wakipenda au kupendwa hujiona kama wako katika sayari yao. Mwanamume aliyepevuka hujiamini na hayaweki maisha yake yote mikononi mwa mwanamke, hata kama mwanamke huyo angekuwa ndiye mrembo wa dunia.

Iwapo, ama kwa ujinga au kwa kufahamu umewahi kumwambia mpenzi wako: “Ukiniacha nitajiua,” na ukawa unaamini hivyo kabisa, basi yamkini unahitaji kutafuta msaada wa ushauri nasaha, maana kwa hakika umepotoka.

Vijana wa siku hizi ni watumiaji wazuri sana wa simu, lakini iwapo utabaini kuwa asilimia kubwa ya muda wako unautumia ama kwa kuongea au kuwasiliana kwa ujumbe mfupi na mpenzi wako, basi fahamu kuwa kuna tatizo ambalo linahitaji ufumbuzi wa haraka.

Kumbuka kuwa mapenzi hayachukui nafasi ya kila kitu. Yamkini huyo mpenzi wako amekukuta unaishi na kuna mambo ya muhimu ya kufanya. Hebu achana na simu kwanza ufanye mambo ya muhimu kuhusiana na maisha yako. Kama mpenzi wako hakwelewi katika hili basi hakufai.

Iwapo utabaini kuwa marafiki, ndugu na jamaa za mpenzi wako wanamtonya mpenzi wako kuhusiana na kile wanachokiita mwenendo wako mbaya, usipuuze hali hii. Kuna uwezekano mkubwa kuwa watu hawa wanayo sababu ya kuwa na wasiwasi na mwenendo wako, kwa hiyo jichunguze na kuangalia jinsi unavyoenenda.

Hata hivyo, jambo hili si ishara njema ya mustakabali mwema wa uhusiano wenu. Iwapo mpenzi wako ataweka watu wake wakufuatilie, maana yake halisi ni kwamba hakuamini. Katika hali kama hii, haitarajiwi kuwa mustakabali wa uhusiano wenu utakuwa mzuri, kwani kutakuwa na uingilizi mwingi wa ndugu, jamaa na marafiki zake. Unaweza kukubali kuendelea kuishi katika hali hii kwa kisingizio cha mapenzi, lakini ukweli ni kwamba hayatakuwa mapenzi bali karaha.

Kama unavyoona, hizi ni baadhi tu ya dalili kuwa mapenzi yako kwa mwanamke sasa yanaelekea katika ulevi, mithili ya ule wa dawa za kulevya. Jambo moja la kukumbuka ni kwamba kweli mapenzi ni kitu kizuri, lakini pia mapenzi yanahitaji kuwa jambo linaloashiria mustakabali mwema kwa wahusika wawili. Yakiwapo mambo haya kumi hauwezi kuwapo mustakabali mwema katika mapenzi.